Giving Back in the Community

I have always felt strongly about how important it is to give back. Over the years I have volunteered with a variety of organizations, and each has given me knowledge, perspective, and a rewarding feeling.
When Covid started, things changed. I had been doing volunteer work at the Wasaga Beach YMCA, but it closed. I wanted to find a new way to give back.
Being a crafter, I turned to card making. I made a number of cards and sent them to friends and family as we all learned to navigate our new and crazy times. After that I made a number of cards from past Paper Pumpkin kits, and leftover bits. With no where to go in the early Covid days, I had lots of time for crafting, so I used some of that time to catch up on some of the crafting I love to do!!

Today, I donated 80 cards to Raglan Village Retirment Community in Collingwood. They plan to put them out for residents to take and use to send to each other, friends or family. I think that is a wonderful idea.

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80 cards neatly tucked into 2 plastic bags ready for delivery!

If you love to craft and make handmade cards, donating them to various organizations can be very rewarding.
Happy Crafting!